
Can I purchase a gift voucher for Wonderdome?

We do not have Wonderdome gift vouchers, instead, you can purchase a Ticketek gift voucher that is valid for any session across the season! 

More information can be found here: https://premier.ticketek.com.au/giftvouchers/

Can I buy tickets when I arrive?

Yes you can! But as the sessions have a strictly limited capacity, we strongly suggest you book in advance online to avoid disappointment.

Do you accept Dine & Discover Vouchers?

Yes we do! Currently, Dine & Discover vouchers are only redeemable when you purchase a ticket from our box office (in person) at The Entertainment Quarter.

How can I contact you?

You can reach us via email on: info@wonderdome.com.au
For any ticketing enquiries please reach out to Ticketek Customer Support on 13 28 49

We've booked tickets but can't make it, can we get a refund?

We are unable to offer refunds due to change of mind or personal circumstance. If you or one of your group can’t attend, you can invite other friends to take their place – tickets are not name-specific. Unused tickets can only be refunded if a replacement order for a new session is placed, you can do this via your Ticketek account on their website.

Is Wonderdome accessible?

We want everyone to feel comfortable and welcome at Wonderdome. Due to the pop-up nature of the experience, some areas contain uneven ground and are grassed. Our staff will be on hand to give you all the extra support you may need, and if you have any specific-accessibility related queries please email us at info@wonderdome.com.au

Does Wonderdome accept Companion cards?

Absolutely! Companion Card holders are free to chaperone anyone with a paid ticket. Simply select the Companion Card option during your ticket purchasing journey and show your valid Companion Card to our team on arrival.

What happens if I lose my child in the Dome precinct?

Any unattended children will be escorted to the box office by one of our friendly staff members and supervised until we can reunite them with their parent.

Do I need to purchase a ticket to accompany my child?

Yes, due to our capacity restrictions, all patrons occupying a beanbag must hold a valid ticket for entry.

At what age do I need a ticket for my child?

Children 3+ years require a valid ticket for entry

Do I need to print my tickets?

No! Your tickets can be scanned straight off your phone upon entry in the Dome.

What happens if there's extreme weather?

Dome sessions will often continue, unless the weather makes it unsafe or impossible to do so. The Dome itself is weather-proof but we'd encourage you to wear weather-suitable clothing on days that look uncertain so you're not caught out while waiting for your session to begin. Please arrange a rescheduled session date and time, if you'd prefer, through Ticketek.

What happens if there's extreme weather?

Dome sessions will often continue, unless the weather makes it unsafe or impossible to do so. The Dome itself is weather-proof but we'd encourage you to wear weather-suitable clothing on days that look uncertain so you're not caught out while waiting for your session to begin. Please arrange a rescheduled session date and time, if you'd prefer, through Ticketek.

What can't I bring inside the Dome precinct?

BYO Alcohol, glass containers (medical / infant exceptions), umbrellas, BYO seating, e-cigarettes (or any cigarettes.)

What if we're running late?

Your tickets are valid for up to ten minutes after a session begins - due to the compact nature of the sessions (30 minutes) and to avoid disruption to other patrons, late admittance after this time will not be allowed. You can visit the box office to move your ticket to the next available session, or change your booking online via Ticketek.

Can I take photos / video while I'm inside?

Yes indeed! The urge to capture what you are experiencing to share with friends will be irresistible, so give in to the urge and capture and share away - just please stay in your beanbag while doing so!

Is your venue Covid-Safe?

Yes! We are operating with a Covid-Safe plan in place to ensure that all patrons and staff remain safe, sanitised, and socially-distanced in line with NSW Health Guidelines. Please help us maintain a safe venue by:
- checking in via the Service NSW app upon entry
- providing evidence of proof of vaccination to staff upon request
- maintaining social distancing at all queuing points
- wearing a mask indoors (all patrons over 12)
- leaving your beanbag in it's original position (no shuffling please!)
- sanitising your hands upon entry and after using high-traffic touch points

Can I bring my child in a pram, stroller, or buggy?

Due to the nature of the seating layout inside the Dome, prams, strollers or buggies cannot come inside. We have dedicated stroller parking just outside the entrance of the dome that will be monitored by a staff member. Please take all valuables with you.

Where do I sit once I'm inside the dome?

Inside the dome are clusters of comfortable beanbags to sit on while you enjoy your film session. The beanbags are unallocated so remember to arrive early to secure the one you want! Please don't move the beanbags as they are specifically positioned to be compliant with NSW Health Guidelines for Covid-Safety.
If you would prefer alternative seating, we also have a row of comfortable chairs around the edge of the Dome that you can sit on - please speak to our friendly staff on arrival to assist with locating these seats.
If you have any accessibility requirements or queries, please get in touch with us at info@wonderdome.com.au

Where can I buy tickets?

Visit ticketek.com.au to view session times and purchase tickets.

What films are playing and how long are they?

Wonderdome is no regular cinema! Only the greatest curated 360 ̊ content, created specifically for the Dome environment will be screened. Films range in length from 7 minutes - 36 minutes, but sessions will run for a minimum of 30 minutes. Due to the shorter length of some films, some sessions will be made up of multiple films to ensure you recieve the full 30 minute experience! Instead of watching a normal movie through a ‘window,' you will be immersed in the film and become part of the scenes, the extrasensory nature of our films means they are best experienced in shorter bursts. Check out our What's On page for more information and film trailers.

What time is Wonderdome open?

School Holidays / Weekends: 10am - 9pm (last session begins)
Mon - Fri (outside of school holidays): 5pm - 9pm (last session begins)
Please arrive at least 10 minutes before your allocated session time to ensure you don't miss any of the films!

What is your policy regarding vaccination?

We believe in creating a safe environment for patrons and staff alike, our commitment to this goal means we require all patrons 16+ to present their proof of vaccination on arrival to the Dome precinct.

Who is Wonderdome suitable for?

All ages! There is a variety of film programming to suit everyone! Please check out our What's On page for more information.

Wonderdome | Sydney 2022